
Strength comes from within

There is a distinct possibility this drawing is not yet finished. But I like it a lot! I like the very sexual feeling it has. I see it as very girl power but in a grown up way... so that would be woman power, I guess.
I talked to my friend about the style change am in and she notices it perfectly reflects the personal changes I've been going through. Especially the growing up part. I never imagined growing up (not that am fully there yet) would be so empowering in so many ways. If I knew I would have done it ages ago.
It's not that I have been hiding anything here, not reporting it or anything, it's just that it is not so much anecdotal. There are no little events or epiphanies I can talk about they are more like gradual changes, when all of a sudden you realisz you are a whole different color. :-)))