
Speed (up)date

How was it you might ask?
Let me tell you just how it was. It was FANTASTIC.
No, really so much fun. I would recommend this to everyone.
So in the end there was that friend of mine, and another friend as well (when she heard I was going it was like: I GOTTA see this! and am like: So.. you wanna come then? )
So there was no one whose contact details I would like (host and his friend were the best looking ones) but they weren't all bad. Some of them would be just OK for someone.
But the rest... Oh my... There was one guy that came with a card with questions. The best thing is I think that it wasn't even written on a computer but on a typewriter. And, AND, I could swear that card had an id number. Then there was this farmer guy who grows vegetables in greenhouses. He told to one of my girls:
- I've been on a TV about it, maybe you've seen it? 
-When wast it on?- she innocently asked. 
- About five years ago- he answers, dead serious.
I tell you, so much fun. Then off course we had a guy who wants to get married and have children, like, yesterday and the first sentence he asks is what are your plans regarding that (you can imagine my answer! It is so far along the road that I can't consider anything in that department a plan. Maybe an idea or a possibility maybe...).
Afterwards we went for beer and čevapi (kind of great fast food made from minced meat we like to eat around here) and had such a laugh that there were tears (laughter ones). Ahhhh... the good days.