So am sitting here in my living room, on my lovely white couch, computer mouse resting on Vogue (Kate Moss is on the cover. What are the odds of that, ha?), and am thinking, little things in life are really the best... At times I am not sure me being able to immensely enjoy things like this is a blessing or a curse, but I have lately come to the conclusion that, like most things in life, it is both. I haven't posted nothing since Sunday, but not for the lack of drawing, so to make it up here are 2 drawings tonight. I have been practising tone work mostly plus some general sketching.
These last few days I have come to realise that I am not challenged enough in my fashion illustration. I am not competitive by nature, but if something is required of me I will always strive to do it (reasonably) well. But I am in a bit of a unique situation here: there are no peers to fit in with, there are no demands on me. I can just comfortably float as I wish. Even though this is great, it's not the most efficient career path. I need something (or someone) to push me... not to do it at all, but to go further. I need something to present a challenge... Not a mere deadline (I tend to deal with them to just fumble something up at the last minute), but... I don't know what.
What I do know that now I've said it and written it here something will definitely come up.