
Shop girl

 I never liked working in the service industry, but here I am again. Just kidding. Anyway, my lovelies, the Etsy shop is finally open. So no I was not lazy and completely forgot my blog (and all the other wonderful ones I read regularly, you know who you are wink wink), it was that I was working on this.
It actually takes a lot of work and all the time I keep getting new ideas or coming to new realizations (tell you all about it some other time) so I still have a feeling it's a bit unfinished.
Off course the fact that I promised to do it till the end of January and started doing it on the 24-th didn't help, but that's another subject.
Well anyways here is the link hope and you like it.

I have to go now as I also have an animation to finish which I started even later than the shop and am so not into embarrassing myself so early into the 2011. Do enjoy the shop and let me know what you think.